Thursday, December 1, 2011

Reflection sheet

This is my reflection sheet for this year.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ragkill finished!!!!

Today is a great day for the world Ragkill is finished. I didn't like the spots that use to be on it so I decided to repaint him with green and put small orange dots and they looked much better.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Band rotunda

Today at Enrich we started to make a miniature scale model of the Band Rotunda. One meter equals five centimetres. At the moment all my group has is the base and one pillar because we couldn't get the diameter right for the base.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Talent development

Today at talent development we made scale pictures of 2D pictures. We also started a scale birds eye view of enrich meaning we had to measure everything. We also had to measure the diameter of circles we made with a compass.

Talent development change

Today instead of doing art talent development I switched to maths talent development and it's all about measuring and making scale models. Our big goal is making a scale model of he band rotunda in Queens Park to donate to the Invercargill library.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ragkill update

Today Eddie and I added some finishing touches to Ragkill by putting more muscle on his tail and leg. After that we put papier maché on him and next week we are going to paint him.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Talent development "Ragkill"

Today we added thigh muscles, spikes and some feet to Ragkill and slowly he is looking more like a lizard. It was really difficult to add in the thigh muscle because the newspaper kept falling out. For the spikes we used wire and shaped it out then used tape to give it more effect.